Blog: General


Helpful Hints When Introducing Babies and Dogs

Here’s a list from American Kennel Club of helpful tips when introducing babies and dogs:

image of cats

How to Photograph a Cat

Get Ready: First off, you’re going to need a cat.


The Low Down on Heartworm and Tick Prevention

Quick Summary on Heartworm Heartworm is a parasite that is transmitted by mosquitos. A mosquito feeds on an infected animal and will pick up microfilaria (baby worms). These worms will mature into an infective stage in the mosquito. When the infected mosquito bites another dog or cat, the larvae enter...


Fighting Fleas

Unfortunately, most of us pet owners have had the unpleasant experience of dealing with fleas. Despite effective treatment against fleas, they still present a threat to our pets.  These pesky little insects can carry disease and cause serious harm to our pets. This is why it is important to be...