Blog: pet health

Cat in a litter box

Litterbox Habits

Every cat is their individual, and that means they each adopt different behaviours for using the litterbox. Some of these habits have answers, and others have only theories to explain why your cat does what it does.

Dog scratching itself outdoors

All About Fleas

Most pet owners have had the unpleasant experience of dealing with fleas. These pesky little insects can carry disease, cause serious harm to our pets and be an irritant to humans. For this reason, it is important to be well informed regarding fleas, their life cycle, and the best way...

Dog with eyes wide open

Canine Insomnia

As dogs age, they can start to have difficulty sleeping throughout the entire night. There are many different psychological and physical causes which can contribute to this.

senior pet care

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

As our pets start to age, they can start to show signs of diseases. Cognitive dysfunction syndrome is one of those diseases prone to older pets. This disease is similar to dementia in people and might be the most underdiagnosed disease in veterinary medicine. Studies indicate that about 14% of dogs...