Canine Osteoarthritis Part 2

Canine Osteoarthritis Treatment

So now you know what arthritis is, but how is it treated? Whether your pooch already has severe arthritis, is only in the beginning stages of arthritis, or you just want to start arthritis prevention, supplements will be your first step.

Canine Osteoarthritis Supplements

There is a plethora of supplements out there that cater to helping arthritis. No matter which supplement you choose for your pet, here are the ingredients you want to look for:

Glucosamine Sulfate
Glucosamine is one of the building blocks the body uses to maintain joint lubrication and shock absorption. The body makes it in the joint cartilage. Glucosamine sulfate in particular helps to rebuild damaged cartilage.

Chondroitin Sulfate
Chondroitin sulfate specifically helps protect the joints from stress related injuries. It also helps the body repair damaged cartilage and prevent further cartilage breakdown. It has also been shown to greatly reduce joint pain. As your dog gets older, the body produces less of this amazing supplement, so adding it to your dog’s diet can be very beneficial.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is great for helping with the chronic pain associated with arthritis. It is an anti-inflammatory.

Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s
These two essential fatty acids are a staple for any dog with arthritis. They help to reduce inflammation associated with arthritis. As an added benefit, they can also promote weight loss, improve skin and coat and can help protect the heart from certain cardiac problems.

Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid is actually a type of glucosamine. It is used to help increase the viscosity of synovial fluid, and is responsible for the resilience of joint cartilage.

Canine Osteoarthritis Alternative Therapies

If after using every supplement under the sun your dog is still exhibiting discomfort from his arthritis, there are many natural therapies that may help.

This is just a fancy word for swimming. Swimming reduces the stress on the joints. Whether it’s a family trip to the lake or an underwater treadmill session at your local dog rehab center, this is one of the best alternative therapies to help relieve some pain for your dog. Preferably this is to be done in warm water to help ease the aching joints and improve blood flow to the affected area.

Low Level Laser Therapy
For this therapy, a laser wand is placed on the affected joint for 10 to 20 minutes. That’s all. No shaving, no sedation, no pain. The laser penetrates the skin to the tissue and helps reduce inflammation and improve circulation, which can help ease the pain of arthritis.

Massaging the affected joints can help increase circulation, which improves oxygen delivery to tissues. It also releases endorphins to reduce pain.