Blog: Cats

Eyeless Cat

The Story of Jac – My Eyeless Cat

I found myself in a strange predicament this past fall with my cat Jac. Due to chronic disease Jac, my 18 year old diabetic cat, had an eye removed in the spring and in the fall his second eye started to deteriorate. Unfortunately we couldn’t get control of this eye...

spring time tips for pets

Spring Safety Tips

Finally the snow is finally gone! The weather is clearing up! You can go outside your house without the bone-chilling, teeth chattering, winter-hating gloom. Gone are the days of puffy and frumpy coats, toques and scarves (except where fashion is concerned!) Rejoice! We are too! That being said, now that...

Kitten sleeping

Kittens! Kittens! Kittens! by Jacen

As some of you may have noticed through our Facebook page, we are fostering some adorable little kittens. These little bundles of fur are just a few weeks old! They are being fostered for a wonderful organization called Four Paws, One Heart. Although their eyes have only recently opened and...

Pug dog against a brown pattern wallpaper background

Walking through your Senior Pet Exam

It’s a hard thing to think about, but your lovely little critter is advancing...